I do write ‘proper’ ‘realist’ fiction as well as stuff that’s set forwards in time, back in time, bouncing around in time, in a parallel universe, or in a universe that’s sort of wedged inside this one, totally embedded but still discernable.
Anyway, one of those, a completely realist non-fantastical piece of literary whatever, has sneaked its way onto a science fiction site.
It’s called #CivilWarVintage and it’s up at Terraform, Vice’s SF section.
it’s a bit weird that both the science fiction stories I’ve had published have involved soldiers. They’re the only things I’ve ever written with a military slant, so it’s a total coincidence (unless stories about the military are more likely to be accepted, which is… not impossible, I suppose). But it’s not like I have a collection of stories about future armies coming out any time soon.
Also, Scrapmetal is really about economics, the military element is kind of a red-herring. And this one’s about social media/crowdsourcing. So ¯\_(ツ)_/¯